When it comes to your finances, finding a reliable professional to help you sort things out can be a lot of work. You want to make sure they’re looking out for you and your best interests at all times, but you also want to know that they’re trustworthy and consistent. Choosing the right advisor can seem like a guessing game, but there are ways to tell the difference between those who are worth your time and those who you should take a pass on.
At Wurz Financial Services, we believe our clients choose to work with us for a few reasons. Most importantly, they trust us. They know that we are knowledgeable and experienced and that we will treat their money with care. They also appreciate that we make financial topics easy to understand, simplifying confusing topics so they can make decisions with confidence. Finally, our clients value the personal, long-term relationship we offer. Not only are we proactive and committed, but we also want the best for your life.
If you’re considering hiring a professional to help with your finances, below we outline just a few reasons why independent advisors will benefit you in developing and maintaining a wealth management plan for you and your family.
Unbiased Advice Based on Your Finances
As independent advisors, the guidance we offer our clients is objective and unbiased because we are not tied to any particular financial company or investment firm. This means we can take a look at your financial picture and talk to you about what you want for your future and recommend financial products that will help you from a myriad of different sources. We don’t stay within one investment firm or recommend products to meet some sort of quota. As such, you can count on us as independent advisors to recommend the very best, tailor-made solutions to fit your needs.
Transparency in Fees
Typically, independent financial advisors operate on a compensation model that is fee-only. This means that our only incentive is growing our clients’ wealth and choosing the financial tools that benefit them. We are not beholden to recommend products that will benefit us financially in any way.
Complex Financial Needs Require Complex Plans
Many of our clients enjoy a high net worth, and as such, their financial plans require a variety of financial tools. Luckily, as independent advisors with many years of experience, we know the right financial tools for any client with a complex financial outlook. We also have the knowledge to design financial and wealth management plans that work for people and families who have complicated financial situations.
We Build Relationships
At Wurz Financial Services, we know our clients personally and have developed personal relationships with many of them. Because of this, we only offer advice that is aligned with our clients’ goals and make a point to keep up with any change in their situation that could affect their financial plan.
For more than 60 years, we have built a practice that is based on trust and mutual respect, and we hold ourselves personally responsible to our clients. They know they can always count on us. We also strive to inform and educate our clients by offering comprehensive retirement planning, personalized financial planning, and informational workshops that get you closer to reaching your financial goals.
Schedule a no-obligation consultation, and together let’s find out if we’re the right people for you to depend upon during your journey to a comfortable retirement. Contact us at 859-291-9879 or dpw@wurzfinancialservices.com today!
About Darren
Darren Wurz is a co-owner and financial planner at Wurz Financial Services, an independent, family-owned and operated financial services firm dedicated to helping its clients transition from their working life to a comfortable retirement with confidence. Darren received his Master of Science in financial planning from Golden Gate University and also holds the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) designation. He operates the Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati office of Wurz Financial Services and is an active member of the Northern Kentucky Bar Association, the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, and the Covington Business Council. To learn more about Darren, connect with him on LinkedIn.